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Ashley Quarter Horses Featured in October Issue Of
Western Horseman Magazine

Big Sky Blood: Raising Horses in Big Sky Country
Pick up the October issue of the Western Horseman to read about our family's love for horses starting generations ago, the family's big move to Montana, the purchase of their first papered Quarter Horse mare, Freckle Bar Miss, and the bright future that beholds Ashley Quarter Horses and the three generations that still work together to produce some of Montana's most outstanding riding and using horses today. Story written by Jennifer Denison, Western Horseman Senior Editor.
It was a joy to have Jennifer visit both ranches the past two summers. She was able to tour both Forsyth & Belt, taking countless picture of the broodmare bands and colts, asking questions and getting to know each of us. Jennifer's visit didn't end with an interview and handshake at the table, she also threw a leg over "Blue Pig" an exceptional ranch and rope horse out of Peppy Parr Te and experienced the ride across "Mother's Mountain" a short, scenic, eastern Montana kind of mountain ride that overlooks the Forsyth ranch. At the end of the day she found a seat at the picnic table near Louise and discovered that they share a mutual friend back in Colorado as she took part in a family dinner cooked over the fire, a summer staple at the Forsyth Ranch.
We are honored and thankful to share with Jennifer and Western Horseman readers our family's story behind our great love for all things horses.
Playgun Hasa Shotgun
Don't miss the opportunity to ride your eligible Playgun Hasa Shotgun offspring in the NILE Gold Buckle Select Futurity Thursday, October, 18th.
"Gunner" is a nominated stallion for the 2019 NILE Gold Buckle Futurity held in Billings. Only 3, 4 & 5 year old offspring are eligible to compete unless the colt was purchased directly through the NILE Gold Buckle Colt Sale, in that case, any age colt is eligible to compete.
Several Playgun Hasa Shotgun colts competed and placed the past several years. It is a great experience for both horse and rider to compete under the big lights of the Metra Park Rimrock Auto Arena.
For more information, follow the link below to the NILE website where rules, patterns, payouts and entry forms are listed.

AQHA Ranching
Heritage Breeder
Ashley Quarter Horses is excited to be labeled as an AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder. Horses purchased form Ashley Quarter Horses are eligible for nomination to Ranching Heritage Challenges located across the United States. Seven competitions are held throughout the year in Texas, Colorado, South Dakota and Billings, Montana.
Ranching Heritage Breeders are AQHA member-owned ranches and individuals who represent longevity, honesty and integrity in raising quality American Quarter Horses, while upholding the ranching heritage. Ranching Heritage Breeders must own and breed a minimum of five American Quarter Horse mares used to produce ranch horses and must maintain a remuda of horses used to operate a working cattle operation to be approved for the program. A ranch must have received, at minimum, an AQHA 10-year breeder award to be eligible.
The horses that come from Ranching Heritage Breeders uphold the tradition and heritage of the working cattle ranch. From the earliest days of western cattle ranches, cowboys needed a horse that could handle the strain and hardships of working cattle each day – from sorting to branding. Ranching Heritage Breeders uphold the true definition of ranching heritage by raising American Quarter Horses.
When you purchase a horse from a Ranching Heritage Breeder, such as Ashley Quarter Horses, you become part of that great tradition. The Zoetis Ranching Heritage Challenges are competitions for horses bred by Ranching Heritage Breeders. They are a series of added-money, regional events that showcase the abilities of ranch-bred American Quarter Horses.
The qualifications for the Ranching Heritage Challenge are:
• Horse must be bred by an eligible Ranching Heritage Breeder
• Horse must be nominated and paid into the Ranching Heritage Challenge
The Ranching Heritage Challenge shows will consist of three different classes:
• Working Ranch Horse
• Ranch Horse Pleasure
• Ranch Horse Boxing
(Sourced from AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder Brochure)
Learn More About AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder Program